
You Belong
We need to be connected to each other in order to achieve our goal of a deeper connection with God.
We have Ministries and Groups for different needs and stages of life.

GRIF KIDS | Birth - 4th
At GRIF we believe children are important and we are committed to helping kids grow in faith and character. We want kids to know how God’s Word impacts their lives, to learn how to talk to him, and to build friendships that will last.
Sundays | 10:00 to 11:30am
Infant Nursery– Newborns up to 24 months of age are cared for by loving adults while their families are in Sunday worship.
Toddler Nursery– Toddlers from 24 months of age to 36 months are cared for by loving adults while their families are in Sunday worship. Where they will play and hear a bible story.
PreK – Preschoolers 3 to 5 years of age. We use age appropriate hands-on curriculum, where your little one will hear about Jesus in lessons geared toward building the basics of the Christian faith.
K-4 – Kids in PreK through fourth grade will have an exciting time of activities, worship, drama and teaching. Children will learn life changing Biblical truths from caring adults while using Biblically based curriculum.
Wednesdays | 6:30 to 7:45pm
Nursery –Childcare is available for parents who are volunteering or participating in Wednesday night Bible Studies, English Language Learners class or other GRIF activities.
PreK-4 – Preschoolers through 4th grade will join together for a time of activities, worship, Bible stories, and activities to learn life changing Biblical truths from caring adults while using Biblically based curriculum.
GRIF 56ers | 5th & 6th
A ministry focused on the transitional years for our 5th and 6th graders. This group meets on Wednesday nights.
GRIF partners with parents to help our GRIF56ers prepare spiritually, emotionally, and physically for adolescence. This stage of development requires parents to rethink how they connect with their children relationally to lead them spiritually. Our kids are growing up too fast. As Christian parents & the church we have the responsibility to equip our children with a strong sense of God’s truth to deal with many unavoidable issues in our culture. Isolationism, though appealing, isn’t the answer. Instead of protecting our children from the outside in, we want to strengthen them from the inside out.
The 56ers meet Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.

GRIF One Accord | 7th – 12th
The teenage years are full of changes and transitions. We want every student to have a place to feel both accepted and challenged, to experience friendship and community, to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, and to be empowered to use their gifts.
Sunday Night Small Groups | 6:00p-7:30p – In smaller settings, students are encouraged to explore their relationship with Jesus and how that can influence every decision they make.
Wednesday Youth Group | 6:30p –7:45p This mid-week gathering serves as an avenue to reach our surrounding community of youth exploring the purpose of relationship in response to Calvary’s love.
Fall Retreat – Fun, food, friends and faith are the main events – it is an annual event that GRIF students love to attend!
Summer Camps – A week filled with swimming, games, friendship and worship. It is all good!
Mission Trips – We take missions seriously. Recent trips include serving others in urban and international settings.
Social Activities – From time to time, we find ways to just hang out and have fun.
Thrive Life Group | College Age
If you’re in college or post high school and between 18-23, we invite you to be a part of the Thrive life group at GRIF. We understand the importance of relationship in community and are intentional about sharing life together. We don’t have all the answers, but we’re committed to learning and growing together. We’d love for you to join us. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights at 7pm at Pastor Becca’s house.
To ask for more information, Click HERE
The Bridge Lunch | Young Adults
Young adults gather for a home-cooked meal following worship on the 2nd Sundays of each month to eat, converse, and connect at the home of Brennan and Jennifer Summers.
To ask for more information, Click HERE
A place to connect with others and experience spiritual growth together through the study of the Bible, exploring life-related topics, and enjoying relationship and prayer support. Bring your questions, your doubts, and explore Christian faith in a thoughtful and friendly environment.
To ask for more information, click HERE
If you want to deepen your relationship with Jesus having intentional relationships with people who have the same goal is a great way to grow. Participating in a Life Group is the ideal place for that. Typically life groups consist of ten to twelve adults who meet regularly to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships. You’ll be encouraged to live out the truths you discover in the Bible, as you encourage others to do the same.
To ask for more information, click HERE
Looking for fellowship with others who have similar interests? Picking an interest group is a great way to connect. Whether it’s a financial class, Mom-to-Mom group, monthly young adult lunches, pickleball, golf, bicycling or lunch for retired adults, there are ways to get involved, be encouraged in your walk with Christ and enjoy the company of others.
For current/upcoming Interest Groups at GRIF, click HERE
These are short-term sermon series discussion groups. They are a great avenue for digging deeper into the sermon text while connecting in relationship with others. Seed groups form multiple times throughout the year.
For current/upcoming Seed Groups at GRIF, click HERE
Freedom Groups are 10-week studies designed to equip you to experience the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give us. Freedom Groups culminate in a powerful prayer weekend called the Freedom Experience.
For current/upcoming Freedom Groups at GRIF, click HERE
Community Link
Creating links of hope in our multicultural community an outreach ministry of Grand Rapids International Fellowship.
It is our desire to be open to God’s promptings as we live out what Jesus shared to be the greatest commandments – To love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Matthew 22:36-39