About GRIF
Our doors opened in 1910, making us the first Nazarene church established in Michigan. We have a rich legacy of responding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share Christ with our community and world. Over twenty years ago, we sensed God’s call to plant three churches, sending out many from our congregation to the north, east and west of the city. Today those churches— High Pointe Community, Bridgeway Community and Grand Rapids International (Haitian congregation)— are thriving, reaching out to their communities in the name of Christ.
After establishing the three church plants, we refocused our ministries to reach our multicultural community, changing our name from First Church to Grand Rapids International Fellowship. The primary reason we exist is to introduce people to Christ, to encourage them to have a personal relationship with Him and to live a life set apart to serve God.
At Grand Rapids International Fellowship, it is our intention to establish purposeful ministries that reach across cultures. With God’s help, we’re striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible. It is our desire to be a church where prayer is the foundation to all we do, biblical teaching is relevant to our lives, worship is genuine, deep friendships are formed and compassionate care is extended to those in need.
We realize that we will make some mistakes along the way; however, it is with thankful hearts that our mission – To connect people to Christ in our multicultural community—is becoming a reality.
So, whether you are just starting to ask questions about God or are a committed Christian who wants to deepen your faith, we hope you will find your church home at Grand Rapids International Fellowship where people from all generations and “every tribe and tongue” are welcome.